Wellsprings of Freedom

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
Galatians 5:1

Wellsprings of Freedom is an inner healing and spiritual warfare prayer ministry that allows people to better understand, experience and walk in the long term freedom that Christ came to bring.
Many of us, even as followers of Jesus, struggle to experience that freedom.  We struggle with some of the same thoughts, addictions, fears and bondages we had before we came to Christ.  We often feel stuck and carry heavy burdens that we do not understand.  Often, the truth of our identity in Christ is hidden under the lies we have come to believe about ourselves, others and God.
We have witnessed and experienced the deeper freedom that Christ has for us and we pray you will step into that freedom as well.
Fill out the form below to contact Wellsprings at Park Place Church and take the next step toward freedom. This is a safe place to get  more information about the ministry and get your questions answered.   Find out how to attend an Explore session or schedule a personal session. 

Contact Wellsprings Leader