
Interested in serving at Park Place Church?
Check out some of the service opportunities listed below.

Kingdom Kids Ministry

Kingdom Kids is a team of people dedicated to demonstrating and teaching God's love to children from birth to fifth grade through age appropriate curriculum, games, worship, prayer, and fun!  There's an area for anyone to be involved, from check in, to nursery, toddlers, preschool, and elementary, so come experience the joy of investing in the next generation through Kingdom Kids Ministry.  
To  provide the safest environment possible for the children at Park Place Church, each team member must first complete a background check before serving.  Contact the church office for more info.

Worship Ministry

Our team facilitates a powerful worship experience through music.  We are always seeking new volunteers to serve the Lord by serving His people.  If you’re gifted in playing an instrument or singing, you could use that gift to lead worship in our worship service.  
If you are feeling called to help others reach a deeper fellowship with the Lord, please click the link below to contact our worship leader/office.

Technical Arts Ministry

The tech arts team serves as the behind the scenes vehicle for our Sunday Morning Experience.  We are a team of people from all different skill sets: light technicians, sound engineers, computer operators, and more.  If you are interested in helping create a space for people to worship, this is the team for you. 
No experience required - training available!  Click the link below to contact Technical Arts team leader.

Connections Team

Our Connections Team is responsible for making every guest or member feel welcome as they arrive at Park Place Church.  Whether shaking hands, passing out bulletins, or providing info about events and resources,  we get to ensure that each person feels Christ's love being displayed through us.  If you are interested in being a greeter, usher, or church office volunteer, click the button below and give us some info about yourself.  We look forward to serving with you!

Facility Maintenance Team

Our Facility Maintenance Team helps us keep our building looking and working great!  Whether you have a skill that you feel would be helpful or you would like to help with cleaning, there are many ways for you to help! 
If you are interested in serving, click the link below to contact the facility manager.  You can also visit the Information center in the foyer or call the church office.  We look forward to serving with you!

Loving Hands Team

Do you enjoy cooking?  Do you enjoy providing support through meals for individuals and families experiencing death or illness?  Loving Hands seeks to bless individuals and families who are going through a difficult time and need some support and encouragement. 
If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact the church office for more information.

For more information on service opportunities, fill out the form below, visit the Information Center in the foyer or call the church office!

Volunteer Interest Form