Brown Bag Ministry

Our mission is to reach out to the hurting, homeless, suffering,
and/or addicted men and women of our community.

Our ultimate goals are to:
  1. Show Christ’s love and mercy without judgement.
  2. To provide some small physical needs in hopes of sharing Biblical truth, answers for healing, and spiritual needs.

Who we are...

We are a peer group who are willing to share our experience and strength in order to inspire hope in the hopeless. Our team consists of clean and sober former homeless and/or addicted people saved by grace, as well as others who want to share the love of Christ.  We welcome and encourage people who are suffering to attend church and recovery meetings. 

What we do...

- Pre-packaged single serving foods such as applesauce, protein/cereal bars, crackers, tuna packets, cookie or treats, Vienna sausage and bottled water.
- Personal hygiene items such as deodorant, toothbrush/toothpaste, wipes, chapstick, comb/brush
 and hair ties
- Socks (new and unused)

We are always accepting food & personal hygiene donations and we welcome anyone to come and serve
with us.
We put together brown bag lunches.  Something as simple as a brown paper bag can be a vehicle of hope.
The small brown bags we assemble and distribute to the less fortunate men and women
of our community contain the following items:

Brown Bag Ministry Volunteers